
+ Brand Strategist
+ Creative Designer
+ Product Designer
+ Photographer

Sekuntom is a small local brand curated for women-fashion in Malaysia. Which focuses on a small market. Assigned to manage the creative direction for campaign photoshoots, social media and textile design for the ‘Sekuntom’ brand. Responsibilities in managing the campaign process and process production of the product.

Jalinan Kasih is the first campaign which decided to focus on hijabis. The idea behind this campaign is to create noise after a hiatus of almost a year. 

+ Art Director
+ Fashion Marketing
+ Product Design
+ Social Media

Jalinan Kasih

by Sekuntom

Photos below state the final digital draft design for Sekuntom’s shawl collection.

Assistant Director
Drone Operator
MUA & Stylist
Unit Department

Lydia Amalina
Hadib Salam
Harith Muhadzir
Shaika Nadwa
Syafawati Nazri
Syaza Afiqah
Nani Jamal
Maryam Fatimah
Zet Kwan